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Vit B12 Injections

This course will enable to confidently administer VitB12 Shot Injections.
What you will learn
Types of vitamin B
What is Vit B12 used for?
Intake recommendations for vitamin B12
Sources of Vitamin B12
Prescription medications
Vitamin B12 Intakes and Status
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Folic acid and vitamin B12
Groups at Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 and Health
Cardiovascular disease
Dementia and cognitive function
Bariatric Surgery
Energy and endurance
Health Risks from Excessive Vitamin B12
Interactions with Medications
Adverse Reactions
Serious Reactions
Common Reactions
Benefits of B12
Vitamin B12 and Healthful Diets
Methylcobalamin vs Cyanocobalamin
Why B12 shots over oral forms?
Who should consider B12 shots?
What are the benefits of B12 shots?
Will B12 shots help with weight loss?
Intramuscular vs Subcutaneous
Intramuscular injections
Areas of the body where Vitamin B12 Injections are be given
Intramuscular injection sites for injection Vit B12
Where can Vit B12 be injected?
What are the complications of intramuscular injections? Vitamin B12 Injection Instructions
Equipment needed for injecting Vitamin B12
How to Perform an Intramuscular Injection of Vitamin B12
How to Inject B12 into the upper arm and thigh Tips for an easier injection
Cause and effect of needle stick injuries Measures to deal with need stick injuries Needle Disposal
Health Benefits of Vitamin B12, Based on Science The Bottom Line
Vit B12 Information and Consent Background Anaphylactic Management