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Platelet Rich Plasma
This course will give you the necessary skills and understanding to practice as a Practitioner in PRP Therapy.
What You will learn:
The History of PRP Therapy
What is PRP?
What is PRP Formulated From?
Components of PRP
Dense Storage Granules
“α” Storage Granules
Other components of PRP:
What is PRP Used For?
How PRP Works to Repair Damaged Tissues?
Healing Old Injuries with PRP Therapy
Growth Factors In Platelets
How the PRP Serum is Created
Method for PRP
How PRP Therapy is Administered
How PRP Therapy Works?
Why PRP Therapy Works?
Benefits of PRP Therapy
PRP Skin Treatments
PRP Skin Treatment for Acne Rosacea
PRP Skin Rejuvenation Before and After Acne and for Acne Scarring
PRP Skin Regeneration Treatment for Wrinkles or Sagging Skin
Vampire Skin Treatment for Crow’s Feet and Frown Lines
PRP for Skin Disorders Like Lichen Sclerosus
PRP Skin Treatments Actually Work
PRP Under Eyes Treatment
PRP Preparation Procedure
Harvesting the Blood and Preparing for Spinning
Platelet Rich Plasma Centrifuge
PRP Method
Buffy Coat Method
Growth Platelet factors and characteristics and comparison of protocols
Blood draw ratio to PRP Serum
Quick Guide Steps of Autologous PRP Procedure
How long can PRP serum be kept for?
Factors that Affect the Quality of the End Serum
PRP Side Effects
PRP Risks
PRP for Skin Rejuvenation
Cosmetic Rejuvenation
Benefits of PRP Regenerative Therapy
The 8-Point PRP Facelift Treatment
How many PRP treatments are needed for a face Treatment?
Hair Restoration Treatment
PRP Hair Loss The Procedure
More Treatment Options With PRP Injections
PRP Microneedling
Microneedling Contraindications
Benefits of Microneedling
Side effects of Microneedling
Risks of Microneedling
PRP Mesotherapy
Side Effects of Mesotherapy
Contraindications of Mesotherapy
PRP Mesotherapy Combined with other Treatments?
RP Therapy Medical Contraindications
PRP Therapy Injection Contraindications
Medical conditions - contraindications for use of PRP:
Other Complications of PRP
General Equipment for all PRP Treatments
Needle Depths for Treatment Areas
Mesotherapy/Injection Method
Costs of Treatment suggestions
Hyaluronic Acid Fillers and PRP
Botox and other facial treatments and PRP
Summary of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
PRP Results
Advice for Clients
Information for Clients - 5 Things you may not know about Microneedling with PRP
Anaphylactic Management